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What is a Laddered Portfolio?

A Laddered Portfolio is a portfolio of securities that have fixed maturities and are intended to be held to those maturities in order to obtain a predictable income stream including interest payments.

  • Many Securities to choose from with Precise Maturity Dates
  • Eliminates Market Risk if held to Maturity
  • Typically Higher Income than the Money Market

Typical Securities Often Used in Laddered Portfolios

These securities are purchased in the secondary market with specific maturity dates. The Laddered Portfolio is developed that returns specific amounts, including interest, on specific dates as desired by the Investor.

  • Corporate Bonds
  • Municipal Bonds
  • U.S. Treasuries
  • Certificates of Deposit (Fixed Rate and Market-Linked Returns)

What is the the cost to do this?

You may incur some costs from trading charges or Financial Advisory fees from having professional mange your account.

Kurt Rohrs

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